Recovery Time for Teeth Straightening: What to Expect

When it comes to teeth straightening, the recovery time can vary depending on the type of treatment you receive. Pain is a common side effect of wire arches that clench the teeth together, but it should subside in three to five days with the help of over-the-counter pain relievers. A night retainer can be used indefinitely if you are prone to clenching or grinding your teeth at night. Minor tooth movements are expected as people age, so it's important to follow all dental recommendations during and after treatment.

Braces may take up to 18 months or more before surgery, while orthodontic appliances can take up to three years depending on the severity. Composite bonding, veneers, and crowns may only require two to three days of recovery time. Dental surgery may take up to a week before you feel completely normal again. After five days to a week, any initial discomfort associated with braces should be gone or much better. Your teeth will have gradually acclimated to braces and eating should be much easier.

The time needed to wear a retainer will depend on the problems for which the tooth straightening treatment was used. Tooth straightening surgery is an aggressive treatment option for people who have imbalances between the upper and lower jaws. If you want to improve your teeth straightening treatment, talk to your dentist or orthodontist about suggested retainer options. Orthognathic surgery is used to repair a serious malocclusion by moving the jaws to a more favorable position.

After preparation and consultation with a specialist, a treatment plan is created that includes one of three types of surgeries to straighten the teeth and jaw. Braces and other orthodontic techniques are usually needed to complete the process of straightening your teeth and restoring your smile.

Corinne Martin
Corinne Martin

Professional travel fanatic. Hardcore sushi enthusiast. Extreme social media advocate. Devoted music aficionado. Web practitioner. Total gamer.