Can I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed While Straightening My Other Teeth?

The extraction of wisdom teeth is done to alleviate symptoms such as pain, swelling, and infection. If these symptoms go away after the mouth has completely healed, it means that the teeth have not moved. Removing wisdom teeth does not cause the teeth to move and therefore cannot cause misalignment. In general, the sooner your wisdom teeth are removed, the better. This is because it's easier to recover from surgery and there's less risk of damaging other teeth when the roots aren't fully developed.

People prefer Invisalign to straighten their teeth because this alternative gives them the flexibility to remove braces from their mouth to eat and maintain proper oral hygiene. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, allowing people to continue their orthodontic treatment discreetly. Invisalign is the preferred option for teens and young adults who don't want to show their orthodontic treatments to everyone. However, people cannot continue with any orthodontic treatment, whether with traditional braces or with Invisalign, if they ignore the dentist's advice to remove problem teeth before considering Invisalign treatment. Dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth because they are problematic and can create several problems in the mouth besides crowding.

Therefore, people who want teeth straightening treatments with Invisalign must have their wisdom teeth removed if they want their treatment to be successful. When teeth are misaligned due to pressure from wisdom teeth, one or more of the other teeth usually withstand most of the force when biting. In some cases, wisdom teeth can cause crowding in the mouth and cause the teeth to press against each other. This is especially common in patients whose wisdom teeth were severely affected, putting pressure on their other teeth. Research has shown that teeth tend to move forward throughout life, even in the absence of back teeth or molars.

However, if wisdom teeth don't affect other teeth, removing them is unlikely to cause the teeth to move. People seek therapy from orthodontists, who help them straighten their teeth with appliances such as braces and other alternatives. Children and adolescents who have already undergone orthodontic treatment with braces may find that their wisdom teeth undermine the satisfactory results of orthodontic treatment if their wisdom teeth are not removed. People who choose Invisalign treatment should realize that they wouldn't want their teeth to face the problem of crowding again because their wisdom teeth weren't removed before undergoing Invisalign treatment. When people visit the dentist to request treatments to straighten their teeth, the dentist evaluates the patient's mouth and recommends removing the wisdom teeth before starting any therapy, whether with metal braces or the popular Invisalign alternative aligners. In addition, wisdom teeth, if left in the mouth, continue to exert pressure against surrounding teeth, even if patients wear a nighttime retainer to prevent their teeth from returning to their original position.

The wisdom teeth are the third molars that appear in the mouth and usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. If your wisdom teeth are removed, it may take a few weeks for your mouth and teeth to adjust, but after that, things will return to normal. If your wisdom teeth are impacted (that is, they grow at an angle and press against other teeth), removing them can prevent other teeth from moving out of place. Once the initial pain has passed, you should also let your teeth settle in the absence of the pressure caused by wisdom teeth. Even horizontally impacted wisdom teeth can press against surrounding teeth and cause orthodontic problems. By removing the wisdom teeth, you are not causing the other teeth to move, but you are relieving the pressure that the wisdom tooth exerts on the other teeth.

Corinne Martin
Corinne Martin

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